Sunday, November 6, 2022


Another amazing, insightful, and thought provoking video by Amazing Polly, whose content I haven't been posting enough of here. In regards to the Atlantic, please do not miss the end of this post. 

Mike Yeadon refers to the work of Denis Rancourt in the previous post here, Amazing Polly also refers to the work of Denis Rancourt, someone who I admittedly was not even familiar with and I've basically turned investigating the Fake Pandemic / Great Reset into a full time job.  

Looking him up, here's an interesting Tweet that I've seen corroborated elsewhere, from the likes of Dr. Gary Null among others:

In fact, I've pointed this out here and on social media:

Feb 27, 2022

Isn't it just a total coincidence that the week that Moderna begins their Phase 1 clinical human trial for their HIV mRNA Gene Altering Technology that the world's foremost expert on HIV, Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize in 1992 for the discovery of the HIV virus, who asserted, quite loudly, that "SARS-COV-2" had all the hallmarks of being lab-made, and right before he was to testify as a key expert in Reiner Fuelmich's Nuremberg 2.0 and who would absolutely be making noise right now linking this "sudden emergence of a new variant of HIV" to VAIDS / ADE from the "vaccines" just up and dies?

Also, right as the masses are being gas-lit about the sudden emergence of an HIV variant as the emerging data shows that what is actually happening is immune erosion / VAIDS / ADE from the Gene Sequencing Technology "vaccine" (because it comes in vial as an injectable it's no longer a Gene Therapy Technology, it's now a conventional vaccine, and therefore no Reproductive Toxicology studies, studies GTT does require, needed to be done)?

Also, wow, what a coincidence that in Sept 2019, the inventor of the PCR method, Dr. Kary Mullis who called Fauci a stooge for his abuse of the PCR method during the HIV / AIDS crisis where Fauci was killing people falsely diagnosed with HIV via PCR with too much magnification and calling the AZT deaths AIDS deaths. Now Fauci's killing people with Remdesivir and calling the deaths "COVID" deaths because PCR test at 40 amplification cycles cannot distinguish between SARS-COV-2 and a remnant of a nucleotide of seasonal flu you encountered 6 months ago, Mullis just up and dies in Sept 2019?

Wow, and what a coincidence that 2 months after Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the Rockefellers host Event 201, the tabletop exercise "simulating a global coronavirus outbreak" an actual global coronavirus outbreak is announced.

Oh hey look, Mr. Gates even telegraphed what was going to happen to his crony buddies on Wall St!


Inventor of PCR, Dr. Kary Mullis on Fauci



An earlier instance here

June 26, 2021


Clip of Dr. Byram Bridle starts shortly after 15 min mark where he explains how the lipid nanoparticle / spike proteins do not remain in the intramuscular injection site but travel the body and accumulate in the organs, of magnitude of order greater quantity in the ovaries (gee, I wonder why?! More on that below) and also cross the blood-brain barrier and can result in spongiform encephalopathy (prions / mad cow disease). He also asserts that the "vaccines", that are designed around SARS-COV-2 which was 100% of lab origin via Gain of Function Research @ Wuhan and is mRNA in design itself, is creating the variants, and he notes that we see the emergency of SARS-COV-3 in the time-frame that the "vaccines" were rolled out.

Spongiform Encephalopathy oh my!

This gives a whole new meaning to the term Zombie Apocalypse. Is 50% of U.S. citizens "vaccinated" or 70%? We gonna film The Walking Dead Season 11 live?

Coming to a city near you SOON.

And the irony is, up until a month or so ago, the lab origin was conspiracy theory!

We've known of the lab origin since at least March 2020! (I have a post here stating as such dated June 5 2020 but knew before making that post).

Oh did you hear? Glaxosmithkline owns the lab!?

"The cookie crumbles
And so the cookie starts to crumble…
Daylight killers…
The masks begin to fall off!
“The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline,
which (accidentally) owns Pfizer!” (the one who makes the vaccine against
the virus which was (accidentally) started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and
which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes
the vaccine!
“GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the finance division of Black
Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation
Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) manages the French AXA!
“Soros (accidentally) owns the German company Winterthur, which
(accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the
German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who
(coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock,” which (coincidentally)
controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment
“Black Rock” is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT,
owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which
– remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first
sponsor of the ‘WHO!
Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected
Share quickly"

Back to the accumulation of lipid nanoparticles in the ovaries, a fact I shared roughly two weeks ago, let's use basic deduction logic here.

Page 7 (See ovaries 48 hour column)

I pointed this out in this post roughly two weeks ago:

Lets lay out the facts and apply some deductive reasoning. What follows are established facts.

Fauci @ NIH / NIAID funded the Gain of Function Research through Peter Daszak @ EcoHealth Alliance, this is now established fact.

Fauci @ NIH / NIAID receives hundreds of millions of dollars of funding a year from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. FACT.

Fauci's wife is on the board of directors of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. FACT.

Fauci @ NIH / NIAID owns half of the Moderna mRNA "vaccine" patent and will receive half of an estimated $9B in royalties through "sales" (oh you thought the vaccines were free, LMAO, no the tax-payer will foot an exorbitant bill). FACT.

We know that Fauci, via his leaked emails, was aware of the effectiveness of low dose Hydroxychloroquine, and deliberately created contrarian information to obfuscate this fact. He also knew that the flimsy fabric masks they recommend everyone continue to use are useless and actually behave as a vector for bacterial pneumonia because paper is a bacterial medium (Denmak DANMASK study concluded that not even N95 can keep out aerosolized influenza virus @ 10nm in diameter. Only medical grade N100 properly fitted to your face by a professional and changed out every 8 hours of use can stop particles @ 10nm in diameter.)

His role as director of NIH / NIAID is public health and safety. He OWNS half the Moderna mRNA vaccine? How is this legal? Also, this isn't the first time Fauci killed untold numbers of people for profit, in the 90's he was killing people diagnosed with HIV / AIDS with AZT! AZT itself was killing more HIV patients than AIDS! And Dr. Gary Null was curing, completely serial negative converting patients with intravenous aqueous Vitamin C, held a press conference, invited the world, and no-one showed. They then, through Wikipedia (5th column of the state) set about a smear campaign calling him an "AIDS denier". He has personal testimony of 18 patients who completely serial negative converted (no longer HIV positive, test negative) confirmed by multiple board certified physicians. Anyhow, Fauci has been in this capacity for over 20 years now. How is this legal? How is this person not right now, immediately, removed from this position?

Follow the money.

It leads back to Bill Gates, through The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who through GAVI, distributed tetanus vaccines in Kenya that rendered all of the women infertile. Kenya sent off the vaccines to South Africa to have them analyzed and SA responded "there is HCG antigen present in these vaccines". We didn't just start manufacturing tetanus vaccines in 2014-2015 and HCG antigen doesn't accidentally wind up in vaccine soup "whoops, I knocked a bottle of HCG antigen into the mix".

Gates, through GAVI, has access to large test populations of human subjects, and he gets them in India, the Philippines, Africa etc.

Now we see accumulation of spike proteins in the ovaries and GlaxoSmithKline through Black Rock, has stakeholder ownership of the lab in Wuhan AND Microsoft AND Pfizer. Fauci was funding the Gain of Function Research that created the virus in question, that the mRNA vaccines themselves are designed around. Fauci is clearly in Gates' pocket.

You starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together yet?

Big surprise that the lipid-nanoparticles accumulate @ magnitude of order greater concentration in the ovaries!

Wow, if you want to reduce the population, this thing is perfect. It will wipe out the old and infirm, render everyone in a zombie like state (spongiform encephalopathy) and stop reproduction in it's tracks (the spike proteins destroy the organ in question).

This is the PERFECT way to bring the population down to under 1 billion by 2030, and you don't even need to distribute them by force! Just tell the unwitting, mindless masses that it's a pandemic and that they need to come in and get their shot every 6 months!

Oh did you hear? Youre going to need a 3rd shot before the end of the year because of "variants" and another shot every 6 months after that!

And the Vaccine Passports are coming!

The grand irony of ironies is that SARS-COV-2 / COVID 19 has an IFR approximate to seasonal flu!

You have a 99.7% chance of survival under 70 and a 94.6% chace of survival over 70 years of age! Per the CDC's own publicly released data!

Also per the CDC's own data, the mask mandates have only reduced both cases and fatalities by 1.32% They basically do exactly nothing! 1.32%?! In statistical terms this can be chalked up to rounding error!

Why are you taking an experimental mRNA vaccine developed by companies with track records of lying to the public (Pfizer, J&J and Moderna) with no long term safety studies for something with a 99.7% rate of survival under 70 and why are you still, probably right now as youre reading this (to be safe) wearing the stupid mask that is proven to afford exactly zero protection against ANY virus?

Are you stupid? (don't answer the question). Is it because the television told you to?

And people HAVE been telling you this, but you refuse to listen.

Hear it form former chief scientific officer @ Pfizer and veteran immunologist Mike Yeadon!



Back to the topic at hand, how the "elites" who control all of the mainstream media, including rags like the Atlantic (see below) are now suddenly calling for "COVID" Amnesty, as though mistakes were made on both sides, as though you didn't just censor, ban and smear us, destroy reputations and careers, threaten those who refused the useless injections with job loss or the loss of access to academic pursuit, all for CITING THE ACTUAL FUCKING SCIENCE that showed clear signal of danger and harm from the so called "vaccines", how the so-called public health policy measures would not stop transmission of aerosolized virus, a virus that was never actually properly isolated nor with an IFR higher than seasonal flu to begin with and how low dose of off label inexpensive Ivermectin or HCQ + Zinc made "COVID" a non-event. Simply getting outside with direct sunlight and exercise would make "COVID" a non-event. 

Yeah lets just forget the whole thing and shake hands, there is totally not going to be a Nuremberg 2.0 and you're totally not going to be publicly hanged for Crimes Against Humanity and the literal murder of untold numbers of CHILDREN to say nothing of the tens of millions who have died directly from the "vaccine" and untold millions more who have died from the deleterious socio-economic consequences of shutting down the global economy for over 2 years. Oh there absolutely is going to be reckoning and you're absolutely not getting away with this. Look around, you've lost control of the narrative, the 4th and 5th "vaccine" booster has a 98% rejection rate in the U.S. You can't stop the awakening of Humanity. Rather than your Great Reset you just jump started the Great Awakening because now the masses are waking up to all of your shenanigans and "COVID", your Fake Pandemic, was the catalyst. 

Anyhow, here's what the Cabal's control over the media looks like on a granular level. Below are some memorable front page statements from the Atlantic, which all can be found at this post, which I highly recommend having a look at: 

And here's the owner of the Atlantic, Laurent Powell Jobs, really comfortable with best bud Glishaine Maxwell, yes, you may recognize the name, she was implicated in Jeffrey Epstein's sex-trafficking of minors conviction? She's the one who procured the underage girls? And now mysteriously, there is no client list! It's ok, we don't need to see the client list, don't want any important people like Gavin Newsom, Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden et al., all behind the Fake Pandemic / Great Reset to get in trouble now. 

Do you see how this works yet? Could it be more blatantly obvious and self-explanatory? BTW, that structure on Epstein Island is the ABOVE GROUND structure. Do I need to elaborate on that as well? 

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