Monday, November 21, 2022

The Corbett Report Episode 429 - Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster (Re-post with Update)

AJ is slowly coming around to who Musk really is, and he's not AJ's technocratic friend in high places who just moved to Austin, Texas to cozy up to him. I said the same thing about Trump and wouldn't you know it, when pressed by Jones Trump doubled down on Operation Warp Speed and his role in promoting the "vaccine"

Overall an excellent show, the only issue I have with AJ at the moment is the fact that he cannot see nor comprehend that Elon Musk is 100% Controlled Opposition. In the beginning of the show he ponders when he and Donald Trump will be reinstated on Twitter and why they haven't been already. It's sad because AJ has like a 95% right-on-the-money track-record about The Great Reset, a.k.a. The New World Order, going back for decades, including and especially his coverage of Bohemian Grove and how the "elite" dable in the dark occult. This isn't something that only Alex Jones has pointed out either, UFOlogist Dr. Steven M Greer has pointed this out as well, relying on insider information.

Also, re-posted in full, because this took a good deal of some work and I buried it with other posts pretty quickly and it supports my previous post and there are many pertinent insights into not only Musk but other technocrats in high places such as Zuckerberg and Gates, who all exist as front-men, did not even create the institutions they represent.

Elon Musk is back in the headlines again (not that he ever really went away). He's going to save free speech on Twitter (honest)! He's going to end the war on Ukraine (that he supported with Starlink)! He's going to give Taiwan to the Chinese (and not just because of Tesla's Shanghai factory)! Yes, Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader and a self-promoting charlatan who would have amounted to absolutely nothing without unrelenting support from government and his globalist pals, and he is the next white hat saviour that is being set up to mislead the masses with their next hopium fix. But as James peels back the layers of this technocratic huckster, you'll find that it's even worse than that . . .

Having majored in Anthropology with a minor in Environmental Studies I strongly disagree with Corbett's assessment of the Human population issue; the planet absolutely is not under-populated. Our numbers were under 1 million for as long as can be gleaned from the fossil record, with the advent of the internal combustion engine in the mid 1800's our population literally exploded from right under 1 million to nearly 9 billion in the span of less than 200 years: 

The problem isn't human overpopulation per se, it's overpopulation combined with over-consumption of resources that is the problem and there is no technocratic solution to this short of everyone adopting a vegetarian diet and foregoing reproduction. 

This is where my perspective differs from both Corbett and Alex Jones, I can see the issues that we are collectively contending with, it's just sad that, rather than release the reverse engineered ET technologies that the "elite" absolutely do have, both Zero Point and anti-gravitic in nature, they continue to keep us on the terraforming carbon based energy paradigm (terraforming from Earth to Venus) for two reasons, one, they derive their power, prestige and privilege from scarcity economics, and well, Zero Point energy tapping into the Quantum Field of space-time, what Tesla was working on before he was assassinated by JP Morgan, well you can't tax that. See everything you do is taxable. Need food? Ok you're probably going to need a clown car to transport yourself to the grocery store where food resides. How does said food get there? How is said food harvested? What are the inputs to make the fertilizer to grow said food? What is the food wrapped in? You're taxed all along the way. Zero point energy would do away with this carbon based energy paradigm gravy train. And lets not forget who is behind the Fake Pandemic, that's right, the Rockefellers, you know, John D. Rockefeller who started Standard Oil? 

Also, you can create the beneficial situation down the road where, after sufficiently despoiling the planet, you can use that to your advantage when you want to reduce the global human population. Why depopulate with just gene altering, cancer and VAIDS inducing, stroke and myocarditis inducing, graphene oxide nano-router robotizing shots (to enslave the survivors) when you can hit them with food shortages brought about by climate instability? 


Anyhow, I'm not here to convince you that burning billions of metric tons of carbon based energy every year for nearly 200 years is going to increase the heat trapping ability of a planet that is itself habitable because of said heat trapping gases. At this point, you can believe whatever you want, it's my contention that the "elites" have chosen the path of human population reduction and robotization of roughly 500 million of us who will exist as biological automatons and that they chose this path over releasing the aforementioned technology that absolutely does exist and has existed since the 1950's: 

What I want to share with this post is how the Deep State creates front-men whose role entails gaining public confidence in paradigm and narrative formation. For example, you may not know this, but Bill Gates did not actually invent the operating system Microsoft Windows. Bill Gates, a college drop-out, was living with his wealthy parents engaged in absolutely nothing when Susan Gates asked the then CEO of IBM for assistance in getting Bill started in something. A handful of influential types were flown out to Arizona, where Gates was residing at the time, and shortly thereafter Bill "invented" Microsoft by going in through the back-door of Xerox' printer based operating system, reverse engineering it and slapping Microsoft Windows on it. 

Did you know that DARPA actually invented the internet? 

Also, Zuckerberg did not create Facebook, Facebook, also a DARPA creation, was originally the DARPA program LifeLog. The day the LifeLog program ended was the very same day that Facebook started. Gee, what a coincidence! 

Similarly, as David Icke points out here at the 23 min mark, pointing to a Joe Rogan interview where he asks Musk how he has all of the time to do all of this, because it doesn't seem humanly possible, the truth is staring all of us in the face, he's absolutely not doing any of this, just as with the Cabal's vaccine salesman Gates and the social-engineering / surveillance czar Zuckerberg, Musk is simply a front-man for the Transhumanist machinations of the Deep State. 

The cabal needs to do this because the public, the masses, absolutely would not be on board with a Chinese Government style DARPA social-media platform where you are encouraged to provide every detail about yourself, you interests, your hobbies, who you are connected to, and don't forget those tracking cookies where DARPA can follow you all around the internet, that they themselves invented, for the express purpose of surveillance. Also, this kind of behavior is expressly forbidden by certain national charters and constitutions that were established to protect the privacy of it's citizens. If the U.S. Government / DARPA was doing this, this is in gross violation of our constitutional right to privacy, but because it's Facebook, well they are a private institution and therefore they do not need to abide with the pesky Bill of Rights! Similarly, when Facebook bans you for "spreading misinformation", since this isn't the government, it's ok! 

When Microsoft, Google and Apple (all Deep State created and owned) surveil and censor you, it's ok because this isn't the government! 

Also, these front-men need to be liked by the public, so the Deep State behind them create various philanthropic ventures like GAVI (Global Alliance Vaccine Initiative), The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc. They then use these very same philanthropic ventures to conduct bio-weapon depopulation research on.

All of the above is covered in Corbett's Meet Bill Gates documentary:

In regards to Musk's acquisition of Twitter somehow going to restore free speech, Corbett brings up an excellent point in Episode 429 - Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster when he reminds us as to how Musk decried Twitter's bot problem and that something should be done about it. The solution as Corbett points out? Well, we need to ascertain the identities of all Twitter users, and that can only be accomplished with a digital identity platform! 

Yes, you see where this is going now, see if DARPA comes out and says that everyone will need a digital "vaccine" passport connected to the brain-implant to simply get online or transport themselves about in their self-driving electric car (that you will absolutely not be able to drive to places they, DARPA / Deep State "elite" don't want you to go) and to gain entry to your micro-smart-home the public would not accept it, but because it's Elon Musk, who the "elites" have painstakingly groomed and curated this maverick, genius, hipster persona (through Hollywood, it's no coincidence that Tony Stark from Iron Man is a carbon copy of Musk), when Musk says we should do all of these things, well, the masses salivate at the prospect of it all. 

Also, having completely lost control of the narrative, they desperately need actors to appear as the opposition, i.e. Trump, Putin and Musk

All of this is masterful theater, it truly is, it's just so sad that 99% of society can't see through all of this. 

It's as though we have an inverse 1%. We have the 1%, comprised of the .01% "elite" and the .99% in the Security State who do their bidding and on the other end we have maybe 1% of society who can see through their deceit. 

In the middle we have the mindless masses, but it is a spectrum with many waking up to all of this every day, and that's probably why you're here reading this post at the moment. 

Be the awakening. 


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