Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Covid Concentration Camp Being Built in California By Railroad (InfoWars)

All four recent post here back-up what I stated in my recent PC Upgrade Vlog Update where I stated that per Pfizer's pharmacokinetic bio-distribution data, that contrary to the assurances of Pfizer, the mRNA lipid nanoparticles do NOT remain at the intramuscular injection site but travel the body, accumulate in the organs, at order of magnitude higher concentration in the ovaries, spleen and bone marrow, and even cross the blood-brain barrier, and also, contrary to their assurances, does alter your DNA. (See previous post). 

I stated that they have the camps ready and are simply waiting for the next crisis. It doesn't take a degree in rocket science to understand that it's axiomatic that if the initial "Pandemic" was simply a PCR case-demic, that they can and will do this again. Recent data out of Israel, the UK and New South Wales and elsewhere show that the triple, quadruple and quintuple injected are the ones visiting the hospitals (93%, only 7% "unvaccinated", contrast with 68% vaccination rate in the respective regions this is occurring) as their immune systems have, wouldn't you know it, been destroyed and they are suffering from immune dysfunction resembling HIV AIDS, hence, VAIDS

It's axiomatic that all they need to do is simply declare a new Pandemic whenever it's politically conducive for them. They are reasonably anticipating a near-term death-wave among the old and infirm with multiple co-morbidities from the immune system destroying "vaccines", especially those on shot 4 and 5 as the damage caused by the mRNA lipid nanoparticles (spike protein induced endothelial dysfunction manifesting as neurological disorders to include strokes, GBS (Justin Bieber), Alzheimer's, Mad Cow etc., amyloid protein growth clots, DNA damage, VAIDS, multiple mechanisms of action).

They will not tell the masses that everyone, including children who have no chance of dying from "COVID", (which remains to be isolated) that they are dying from the "vaccines", they will spin this and say it's a new variant and that we need to "Lock down" (Lock down etymology: the penal system, fitting that we have a Prison Planet) again.

Look, I'm NOT a fucking genius, this is plain as day, if you can't see this it's either willful ignorance or you're in the grip of Mass Formation Psychosis

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