Monday, December 12, 2022

Here We Go Again, "Catastrophic Contagion", Essentially Event 201 3.0, Hosted by Bill Gates' WHO Simulating Another "Pandemic"


Event 201, a tabletop exercise simulating a global outbreak of a novel coronavirus held in New York City, New York on the 18th of October 2019 hosted by Bill Gates (The Bill Gates Foundation), Klaus Schwab (The World Economic Forum), and the John Hopkins Center For Health Security (Rockefellers): 

NTI Monkeypox Simulation, NTI (Nuclear Threat Initiative) exercise (Event 201 2.0) in March of 2021 simulating / "predicting" a "Monkeypox" (shingles from the fake vaccine) on the 15th of May 2022 (actual date of outbreak: 13 May 2022), exist as a means of the investor class communicating future events to each other and to bolster trust and confidence in these institutions and actors comprising them (like Gates, Event 201, "let's listen to the person who predicted the pandemic!")

Yes, this wasn't a typo, the apostrophe following Bill Gates in the title of this blog post denotes ownership of the following object, in this case the WHO: 

And yes, as in The Bill Gates Foundation, he's hesitant to change the name of his benevolent charity organization that experiments on, ahem, saves lives in the global south with novel "treatments" like the oral polio vaccine that killed over 100k in India and the Philippines or his HCG antigen laced Tetanus vaccine that rendered all women of child bearing age infertile in Kenya in 2014-2015. Melinda left gates just as I predicted she would upon learning of Bill's Lolita Express frequent flier activity and as with the public, truly grasping what actually was going on here after Epstein's conviction of sex trafficking of minors in July 2019, yet another reason they had to execute their "Pandemic", originally slated for 2025, early and before they had a stringent protocol in place to deal with free speech and dissent that would bring their entire house of cards down (26 times in 21 years, boy Epstein's island with a strange temple adorned with a statue of Minerva / Moloch sure is important!)

Fully Supported Hypothesis: Consequent Acceleration of the Fake Pandemic Timeline Due to Bill Gates Relationship with Epstein / Riding Lolita Express 26 Times (Re-post + Update)

She describes Epstein as "abhorrent, evil personified"

If Bill removes Melinda from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation it might startle the Mass Formation Psychosis gripped masses! We can't have that now! 


Also, just as I predicted, the Deep State behind Elon Musk is doubling down on crafting the appearance of Musk leading the prosecution charge against Fauci. The cheerleading for Musk on Reddit is rather alarming, it's the same brain-dead cheerleading that we saw with Trump, another member of Controlled Opposition (Operation Warp Speed, his daughter is a WEF Young Global Leader, he still to this day stands behind recommending the "vaccines")! 

Musk, Trump and Putin are 100% Controlled Opposition! 

Musk leading the prosecution charge against Fauci is not radical when even the "vaccinated" mind controlled masses are questioning the zoonotic natural origin story at this point! This is 100% theater and they 100% are doing this because people are not simply listening to what Musk is saying but are actually looking at what he is doing and his connections to DARPA etc, and are starting to understand that he's not even responsible for Starlink, Neuralink, the Tesla Smart Cubicle, the fully automated electric car that wouldn't you know it, will require a "Vaccine" Passport to start and won't take you further than you carbon allowance allows and most definitely nowhere the "elite" don't want you going like Groom Lake / S4 where they have the reverse engineered ET technology deep underground! 

Musk isn't making all of this, he's a front man for the Deep State Cabal Shadow Govt. behind the Fake Pandemic who controls all of social media and silicon valley, to include Reddit and has mastered the art of psychological warfare (they literally did MK Ultra) and can easily craft narratives, create populist seeming characters to absorb attention and energy ("we don't need to get radical / have a revolution, Trump is gonna turn this around." "We don't need to get radical / have a revolution Musk is gonna turn this around.") 



The first epidemiological cases of COVID-19 were traced back to October 2019, the same month Bill Gates predicted a bat coronavirus from a wet market with Event 201 and the Netflix show "Explained: The Next Pandemic" featuring he and Daszak. If Enterovirus pandemic happens, it was Gates/Daszak/DARPA

WHO, Bill Gates & Johns Hopkins just ran another pandemic simulation- this time it disproportionally kills children and the young.

What Psychological Warfare based Controlled Opposition circa 2023 looks like:

“As for Fauci, he lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people.”

My reply there: 

Musk 100% is Controlled Opposition. Even the Mass Formation Psychosis gripped mask wearing masses question the natural zoonotic origin story. Remember, when the MSM is promoting a narrative (in this case, Fauci funded the GOF research where "SARS-COV-2" [which remains to be isolated] came from) you need to remain on guard:


[through Ivan Raiklin on Telegram]
  • 1st they call you crazy
  • Then they call you delusional
  • Then they call you a tin foil hat wearer
  • A few months later they call you a conspiracy theorist
  • A few months after that, they consider you a Genius
  • Then they call you a thought leader
  • Then Elon releases everything you had been talking about two years ago

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